The Eagle View PAC presented four questions to the School Board candidates: Don Dvorak, Marty Beckius, Trista Robischon and Jerry Walerius. The questions were:
  1. How would you further enhance communication with community members/parents living outside of New Prague, particularly Elko New Market and Lonsdale?

  2. Community Education has made great strides to implement various activities/sports and classes for the Elko New Market area and Eagle View students. How would you suggest allowing more expanded sports and classes to Eagle View students? Also, the Middle School and High School sports and allied arts are held in New Prague. Any suggestions to assist students living outside of New Prague in regards to transporting? The bus ride is long for middle and high school students.

  3. Any thought on maintaining proper language on the bus? Currently, the use of inappropriate language on the bus is heard routinely. Can we make the students held more accountable for the use of improper language on the bus? Can the same be enforced that it does on school grounds?

  4. Lastly how would you approach further possibility of building a middle school in Elko New Market?

We received responses from Trista Robischon and Jerry Walerius. They are below.

Responses from Jerry Walerius

Responses from Trista Robischon