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New Prague Area Schools
410 Central Ave. N.
New Prague, MN 56071

Archived News Item

New School Year - New Faces
Originally Posted 07-11-2011


Students will soon be returning to their classrooms. Before that can happen, many projects need to be completed. Buildings are cleaned, vacuumed and scrubbed. Windows are washed, desks are polished, hallways are waxed and staff is hired.

Two new administrators have begun their duties in the school district. In 1992, Brad Gregor began his career in New Prague teaching third and sixth grade. Along with teaching, Brad has coached baseball and basketball. In 2003, Brad was named as Assistant Principal at the Middle School. Brad was appointed as Interim Principal at Eagle View Elementary School in New Market in June of this year. Brad and his wife Debbie have three sons and live in New Prague.

Larry Kauzlarich has accepted the position of Interim Superintendent for the 2011-2012 school year. Larry retired in 2008 after twelve years as superintendent in Jordan. He has a total of thirty-two years as a superintendent in Iowa and Minnesota. Larry is married and his wife Mary teaches second grade in Prior Lake-Savage. He has four children, Dana, who is the principal of Pioneer Ridge Middle School in Chaska; Scott, who is a college instructor in Iowa; Jenny, who teaches first grade in Chaska, and formerly taught in New Prague; and Jeff, who works for the Philadelphia Eagles football team. He has seven grandchildren. Larry lives in Jordan.
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Board approved school calendars (PDF format).

    Effective November 1, 2013 the School Board of New Prague Area Schools has changed the way board agendas and packets are made available to the public. All agendas and supporting documents are now available on the District's BoardDocs website, which can be accessed by clicking the link below.


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