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New Prague Area Schools
410 Central Ave. N.
New Prague, MN 56071

Archived News Item

Board Selects Finalists for Interim Superintendent
Originally Posted 06-07-2011

New Prague, MN
June 7, 2011

Larry Kauzlarich, retired from Jordan Public Schools, brings a total of 32 years of superintendent experience, including 12 years at Jordan, as well as time at Swea City, Iowa; Gibbon, Minnesota; Rockwell, Iowa; and Moulton, Iowa. Kauzlarich was also a secondary school principal and a teacher. Kauzlarich holds a Master of Arts in Secondary Schools Administration and a Bachelor of Arts in History Education.

Nordy Nelson, Jr., retired from St. James Public Schools, has most recently been acting as an educational consultant and serving the St. James district as a part-time construction manager for their new gymnasium and classrooms. Prior to retirement, Nelson acted as superintendent for more than 19 years in several districts, including St. James, Melrose, and Gaylord, as well as an elementary and secondary principal and teacher. Nelson holds a Master of Science in Educational Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education with minors in psychology and special education.

Gary Nytes is currently on special assignment with the National Joint Powers Alliance® (NJPA), a regional school district serving the five counties in the Brainerd area. Prior to this assignment, Nytes was Executive Director of NJPA for 25 years. He has also served as superintendent of Gibbon Public Schools. Nytes has also served as a school principal at the secondary level and teacher. He holds a Master of Science in Educational Administration and a Bachelor of Science in History and English, and is a graduate of New Prague High School.

Charles Rick, Ed. D., is scheduled to retire this month from St. Louis County Schools in Virginia, Minnesota, where he has served as superintendent since 2005. Prior to this, Rick was superintendent at Sibley East Schools in Arlington, Minnesota, and Welcome Public School in Welcome, Minnesota. He has also served as school principal at the secondary level and as a teacher. He served in the United States Army and Army Reserves and is an adjunct assistant professor for Saint Mary's University of Minnesota. He holds a Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership, a Master of Science in Secondary Administration, and a Bachelor of Science in Political Science, with a minor in physical education and coaching.
No current district employees applied for the position.
Interviews of all four finalists will occur this week: Wednesday, 5 p.m., Larry Kauzlarich; Wednesday, 6 p.m., Nordy Nelson, Jr.; Thursday, 6 p.m., Charles Rick; and Thursday, 7 p.m., Gary Nytes. Interviews will be held in the Board Room at the CEC Building, 410 Central Avenue North, and are open to the public. The Board plans to narrow the field to a single finalist after interviews on Thursday.
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