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New Prague Area Schools
410 Central Ave. N.
New Prague, MN 56071

Archived News Item

H1N1 update as of September 23, 2009
Originally Posted 09-24-2009

TO: Schools, Parents, Website, Key Communicators, School Board Members and Staff
FROM: Superintendent Craig Menozzi

Update on H1N1 virus as of September 23, 2009

I am providing this update on the H1N1 Virus as of September 23, 2009. Please understand that the information changes almost daily and we will keep you updated as we find out more. Please continue to go to our district website as we have links to other sites for additional information.

We have been meeting with Scott County Health Officials and they are doing the planning in coordination with the Minnesota Department of Health.

Scott County is still planning to do mass vaccinations using our schools to vaccinate students. It will take approximately 2-3 weeks to get through all schools in the county. As of today and I emphasize today, students between the ages of 10 and 18 will need only one shot and students under the age of 10 may require two dosages. The vaccine is free and permission slips to vaccinate the children will be provided by the county. They are hoping to use the flu mist for our elementary age children. Along with sending the permission slips home, Scott County will be providing a question and answer sheet for parents also. Some families may choose to take their children to their own health provider and obviously, this is a family choice whether to be vaccinated in our schools or not. I want to mention even if you suspect that your child already had the H1N1 virus, they should still be vaccinated.

The Superintendents and Health Officials from Scott County believe that our teaching staff should also be vaccinated and it is our hope and desire that there will be enough vaccine to do our instructional staff. The Scott County plan, depending on having enough vaccine will be to go one school district at a time and if not enough vaccine is available to start with our younger children first.

The vaccine will probably start arriving in the county in mid October and once it does, the health officials will meet with the school administration staff to plan the dissemination process.

Please remember this plan is being coordinated by Scott County and we will continue to keep you posted.

Craig Menozzi
New Prague Area Schools
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