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New Prague Area Schools
410 Central Ave. N.
New Prague, MN 56071

Archived News Item

Be a HERO!
Originally Posted 03-09-2007

A number of people gathered earlier in the year to explore possibilities for becoming involved with planning input to enhance the continuing growth and improvement of our schools. The group adopted for now a tagline of: Higher Expectations, Raised Outcomes (HERO). We would love to have the voice of special education represented at these meetings! HERO is an open process with open enrollment--if you are interested, you are welcome, invited, and encouraged to attend.
After that first getting-organized meeting, HERO is now planning a second session on Saturday, March 24. It will be held in the High School Cafeteria/Commons from 8:00-11:00 AM. There will be some coffee, juice, rolls, and fruit. * If you think you may be attending, please let us know so we can plan the breakfast.

The agenda will be conducted as a series of group discussions to address:
a. Supporting the Financial Needs of our School District--Moderated by Lorie Gieger with Bob Reed
b. Improving Academic Excellence--Moderated by Colleen Cardenuto with Jim Rouse
c. Community Support for Youth Development--Moderated by Pam Tietz with Ann Walter
d. Strengthening connections/communications within our community--Moderated by Ann Sletton with Mary Laeger-Hagemeister

Three Questions for Small group work;
1. What is? What is the truth, fact, current condition or reality of this topic area

2. What should be? What is our vision, preferred state or possibilities for the future in this topic area?

3. What next? What are 5 bold steps a committed group of people could take to move us closer to what should be?

*For any questions or to indicate your interest in attending, please contact:

by e-mail: or by phone 952-758-1703
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Board approved school calendars (PDF format).

    Effective November 1, 2013 the School Board of New Prague Area Schools has changed the way board agendas and packets are made available to the public. All agendas and supporting documents are now available on the District's BoardDocs website, which can be accessed by clicking the link below.


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