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New Prague Area Schools
410 Central Ave. N.
New Prague, MN 56071

Archived News Item

New Prague's Elementary Schools Attain Highest State's Academic Ratings
Originally Posted 10-24-2013

Congratulations for Eagle View Elementary School's recent designation as a Reward School. This designation reflects the gains their school has made in proficiency, growth, and achievement gap reduction. It is also a reflection of teaching and support staff's tireless efforts to improve outcomes for students.

Reward schools are the top 15 percent of Title I schools based on the Multiple Measurement Ratings (MMR). Currently, the reward for these schools mainly comes through public recognition. The Minnesota Department of Education plans to share practice from these schools with low performing schools in an effort to replicate best practices across the state. These schools are identified annually.

The Multiple Measurement Ratings (MMR) is a 0 to 100% for all schools in the state and includes data on proficiency, growth, and achievement gap reduction. The Focus Rating (FR) is a 0 to 100% for all schools in the state and includes data on proficiency and growth for only students of color, special education students, student in poverty and English learners.

Reward schools represent the highest performing in Minnesota's Title I schools. Eagle View's Multiple Measure Rating (MMR) was ranked 29th highest in the state and their Focus Rating (FR) was 8th highest in the state out of 853 Title I schools.

New Prague's two other elementary schools were named "Celebration Eligible" schools. These are the 25 percent of schools directly below the Reward school cutoff. The Minnesota Department of Education selects approximately 10 percent of Title I schools to receive the Celebration school recognition.

School Name
Eagle View Elementary with an MMR of 96.64% and FR of 99.51%
Falcon Ridge Elementary with MMR of 73.72% and FR of 79.88%
Raven Stream Elementary with MMR of 70.68% amd FR of 81.56%

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Board approved school calendars (PDF format).

    Effective November 1, 2013 the School Board of New Prague Area Schools has changed the way board agendas and packets are made available to the public. All agendas and supporting documents are now available on the District's BoardDocs website, which can be accessed by clicking the link below.


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