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New Prague Area Schools
410 Central Ave. N.
New Prague, MN 56071

Archived News Item

8th Grade Curriculum Night
Originally Posted 01-04-2007

On Tuesday, January 9, from 6:30-8:30 p.m., New Prague High School will be hosting the 8th grade curriculum night. This open house for all 8th graders is designed to inform both the parents and the students about the registration process for the 9th grade year and to give them the opportunity to meet with teachers and explore the many learning opportunities at New Prague High School. The program will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the high school auditorium where the students and parents will hear from various individuals about the registration process and course offerings. This program will take about a half hour. When this program is completed, next year's 9th grade students and parents will be able to move around the building to meet with various teachers and departments and discuss the different classes offered at New Prague High School. We look forward to meeting the new students and parents and hope this informative session will give you an understanding of the type of courses and opportunities that will make your experience at New Prague High School outstanding.
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Board approved school calendars (PDF format).

    Effective November 1, 2013 the School Board of New Prague Area Schools has changed the way board agendas and packets are made available to the public. All agendas and supporting documents are now available on the District's BoardDocs website, which can be accessed by clicking the link below.


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