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New Prague Area Schools
410 Central Ave. N.
New Prague, MN 56071

Archived News Item

Welcome Back from the Superintendent
Originally Posted 07-26-2010

As the calendar brings us close to the beginning of another school year, I want to share some of the exciting work happening to guide our steps toward a great future. You have a critical role to play in helping our district move forward as a premier learning organization, and I want you to think now about how you will contribute.

Strategic Planning Update: Based on years of research, we know that successful organizations have a few things in common: clear goals, top notch personnel, effective communication, and efficient use of resources.
As you probably know, many district staff and community members have engaged this past year in a Strategic Plan process to help us progress in these critical areas. With data gathering and analysis complete, we have developed the essential components of a focused and ambitious plan for our future.

As one of our first steps, a diverse committee representing community and staff updated our district's mission, vision, and values, to represent who we are and where we want to go. Their work resulted in the following:
Mission: Our mission is to engage and support everyone in high levels of learning.
Vision: We will be a premier school district that models excellence and embraces the challenges of the 21st Century.
Values: Allocate time and support to best practice research and implementation; Respect diverse thinking;
Model appropriate, positive interactions; Think globally; and Learn and apply supportive interactive technologies.

To help us further focus our work, the Board of Education has identified three district-wide priorities to guide decision-making: High Academic Achievement, Fiscal Integrity and Effective Learning Organization.

This summer, we have identified district-wide initiatives and strategies necessary to make the greatest progress in the three priority areas. These strategies will guide you in your effort to set building and department goals, as we design our work for this year and beyond.

Our Role in the Process: Literally every colleague in New Prague Area Schools has a role to play in following our Mission and achieving our Vision for the future. I'm asking you to consider your specific role and to make sure that your day-to-day efforts contribute to the three priority areas.

Leaders in your building, department, grade level, and/or area of specialty will facilitate discussion and learning around these areas, to give everyone the opportunity to carefully consider his/her role. We can make the greatest gain only when we all work toward the same ends.

Opportunities to Participate: Our work toward the three priorities will offer a number of new opportunities for community members and staff to share ideas and show commitment to our mission. A new Superintendent's Advisory Council will offer community members opportunities to advise us on our direction and review our progress. The Superintendent's Staff Council will meet monthly for representatives to share viewpoints of various staff groups on a variety of topics related to our strategic work. Finally, a Communications Team will gather representatives to focus on making gains in our organizational effectiveness.

My Key Communicators who receive regular e-mails from me will continue to receive updates on our progress.

Moving Forward: For those who have enjoyed a break this summer and for those who keep us operating; it's time to focus forward on your role in high academic achievement, fiscal integrity, and effective organizational practices. Let's gear up for making great progress in these areas

Looking forward to working with you to achieve our vision together!


Craig Menozzi
Superintendent of Schools
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Board approved school calendars (PDF format).

    Effective November 1, 2013 the School Board of New Prague Area Schools has changed the way board agendas and packets are made available to the public. All agendas and supporting documents are now available on the District's BoardDocs website, which can be accessed by clicking the link below.


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