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New Prague Area Schools
410 Central Ave. N.
New Prague, MN 56071

Archived News Item

Message from the Superintendent
Originally Posted 02-17-2014


Nearly two years ago, Minnesota set a goal in the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Flexibility Waiver to reduce the achievement gap by 50 percent by 2017. Minnesota established annual targets in reading and math for all student groups, including American Indian, Asian, Hispanic, Black, White, Free/Reduced Price Lunch, Special Education and English Learners.

New Prague Area School District is proud to announce that we are currently "on trackTM to meet the 2017 goal of reducing the achievement gap by 50 percent. A district is considered "on trackTM in 2013 to meeting the 2017 goal if the proficiency index rates for each student group exceeded all of the 2013 math and reading targets. School districts must have at least 20 students within a student group for that group to be considered. With the exception of American Indian, New Prague Area Schools meets the minimum number in each student group.

Our entire staff has been instrumental over the past several years in implementing systems based on high standards and effective teacher supports that have led to strong student outcomes. 39 percent of school districts in Minnesota are currently "on trackTM in math to our 2017 goal of reducing the achievement gap. Additionally, 43 percent of Minnesota districts are "on trackTM in reading. New Prague Area Schools are "on trackTM in both math and reading.

New Prague Area Schools set rigorous goals each year and are proud to provide a high quality learning environment to improve student learning. We thank our entire staff for the work they do each day to provide the best educational opportunities for all children.
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Board approved school calendars (PDF format).

    Effective November 1, 2013 the School Board of New Prague Area Schools has changed the way board agendas and packets are made available to the public. All agendas and supporting documents are now available on the District's BoardDocs website, which can be accessed by clicking the link below.


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