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New Prague Area Schools
410 Central Ave. N.
New Prague, MN 56071

Archived News Item

Raven Stream Receives Recognition for Increasing Physical Activity Throughout the School Day
Originally Posted 06-09-2014

Receives Recognition for Increasing Physical Activity Throughout the School Day

[New Prague] [5/30/14] - Let's Move! Active Schools, a sub-initiative of First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! campaign, recognized Raven Stream Elementary for creating an active school environment that provides students with opportunities to move throughout the school day. To earn recognition, Raven Stream improved its physical education and student wellness policies and programs, including the addition of physical activity options throughout the school day, the promotion of active commuting, and the implementation of policies that support physical activity.

In line with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services standards, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that "young people aged 6-17 years participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily." Additionally, the CDC suggests "schools can promote physical activity through comprehensive school physical activity programs, including recess, classroom-based physical activity, intramural physical activity clubs, interscholastic sports, and physical education."

Let's Move! Active Schools is a collaborative effort between leading health and education organizations. The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD), and the President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition (PCFSN) serve as the managing partners of the program. With the generous support of Nike, Inc., Kaiser Permanente and Reebok/BOKS, Let's Move! Active Schools is able to recognize Raven Stream and others for their achievements in supporting physical activity in school.

At the launch of Let's Move! Active Schools, First Lady Michelle Obama shared, "When kids have early, positive experiences with physical activity, [it] sets them on the course for life, shaping their habits not just when they're young, but as adults, as well. And once we've gotten our kids excited about being active, then we need to give them opportunities to be active every day, throughout the day."

While working to become a Let's Move! Active School, Raven Stream added some valuable initiatives to create a healthy environment and increase movement opportunities for both students and staff. As recommended by the Let's Move! Active Schools Organization, Raven Stream formed a committee that included Jesse Bastyr and Dana Smith (Physical Education Teachers), Pat Pribyl (Raven Stream Principal), Cathy Ilkka (5th grade teacher), Ashley Belanger (2nd grade teacher), Jill Rohloff (New Prague Fitness Center), Teresa Francis (Raven Stream School Nurse), Cheryl Kollasch (New Prague District Nurse), and Aga Franek (Kid's Company). The first new activity item was the addition of JAMmin' Minutes. JAMmin' Minutes are short 2-3 minute videos that consist of five exercises and a healthy tip. After the videos are created, they are sent to the teachers to be used as short brain break for the students. These videos are also available on Mr. Bastyr and Mrs. Smith's webpage for students or families to use at home. Kid's Company, which is the before and after school program that houses many students, added a running club for their students. In a very short time, the club has close to 40 students choosing to run or walk a mile before their school day even starts. The staff members also got involved in the Let's Move! Active Schools initiatives by participating in a variety of staff exercise programs. One program was based on weight loss, one program had the staff members tracking their amount of exercise, water consumption and fruits and vegetables and the third was an exercise based sticker chart that hung in the teachers' lounge. Raven Stream's Let's Move! Committee has many ideas in the works to continue creating a healthy and physically active environment for their students, staff and community. Principal Pat Pribyl stated, "I feel that the Let's Move! Active Schools campaign has helped our students and staff focus on improving our eating habits and exercise routines.  The program has helped educate our young people about the positive benefits of eating a balanced diet and exercising on a regular basis. The students, staff, and parents are engaged and excited about making the Raven Stream community a healthy and fun place to grow and learn."

To recognize Raven Stream's achievement, Let's Move! Active Schools awarded Raven Stream with recognition materials to help the school proudly showcase its commitment to ensuring that all students participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day for improved physical and cognitive health.

About Let's Move! Active Schools:
Let's Move! Active Schools is a program that empowers school champions—Physical Education teachers, classroom teachers, principals, administrators, and parents-to create active environments that enable all students to get moving and reach their full potential. The program provides simple steps and tools to help schools create active environments where students get 60 minutes of physical activity before, during, and after the school day. Participating schools receive priority for physical education and physical activity grants associated with the program, while also becoming eligible for customized technical assistance and professional development. Any school in the United States can enroll and receive assistance and support, at no cost. Find out more at
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